The first diverse artificial voices bank

Despite advances, LGBTIQ+ individuals still face discrimination, with their voices often triggering biases and microaggressions, leading many to hide their authentic selves. One way to reduce these biases is to increase our exposure to diverse voices. In a world where AI-generated voices are becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s crucial that these also reflect the vocal diversity of our society.

“Free The Voices” is the first bank of synthetic voices created from the contributions of more than 250 voices of the LGBTQI+ community across 12 countries.

/Add your voice/

Join and contribute to create a 5th diverse synthetic voice that will be released soon. By providing your voice you become part of a resource that promotes inclusion and stands against biases.

/Hear our diverse voices/

  • Libertas
  • Castor
  • Fulu
  • Hatysa

If there’s one thing lacking in our time, it’s empathy. We often hear about technological progress. At the same time, we see humanity moving backward. We can still decide whether to use it to unite or further divide us. Unfortunately, every day, LGBTQ+ individuals and all of us who are “different” continue to be:

Just because we don’t conform, nor does 


The persecution may not always be visible, but it is constant and painful. It’s a daily struggle against prejudices and stereotypes manifested through microaggressions and acts of exclusion. That’s why today, we want the world to hear us.  Because if there’s one more thing lacking in our time, it’s diversity. Diversity not only of appearance but in all forms of human expression. Enough of virtual assistants, artificial intelligence and any technology with voices that don’t represent us.

Our call is clear: let’s free our voices!

Not everyone sounds the same, nor do we want to.  

From natural to synthetic, all voices must be diverse. Each voice has its own story, its own identity. It’s time for all to be heard and valued equally.

In a world where we’re increasingly exposed to AI-generated voices, the only

way to fight against biases is through diverse human voices.

Listen to our synthetic voices, add your own to create new ones, and above

all, use them to nurture a more diverse world.

/Free the voices/

Use our synthetic voices in your digital projects. From voiceovers for audiovisual pieces to virtual assistants.

Uses diverse voices

By joining Free the Voices, you help make diversity visible and normalized in all its forms.

Download the report

Get our full report on “Free the Voices.” Learn about the creation process, the impact, and how these artificial voices can transform perceptions and reduce biases.